Pesky possums invading your roof space
For many Australians, possums are not simply cute furry animals seen scurrying across overhead tree branches at night, but also are frustratingly destructive pests which have moved into our backyards, homes and sheds to eat our home grown garden produce and leave our verandas stinking from their frequent urination and droppings.
There are 23 described species of possums known in Australia, these two below are the most likely to be thumping across your roof or growling in the night:
The Brushtail Possum
Is the size of a domestic cat and the second biggest possum in Australia, a nocturnal, semi-tree dwelling marsupial that is indigenous to Australia.
The Brushtail Possum has a pointed face and pink nose, with long oval ears and bushy black tail.
The Ringtail Possum
Is another Australian marsupial, lives in various habitats and eats a diversity of flowers, plants and fruits.
The Common Ringtail Possum is the size of a small cat and mainly grey with white fur on the tip of its lengthy prehensile tail, behind its eyes and on its belly.
Did you know?
Possum-proofing the roof of a house is often overlooked until the thumping of possum feet overhead wakes you up in the middle of the night or a brown stain suddenly appears on the ceiling where a brushtail possum is using your roof space as its toilet.
Gutter Knight solves this annoying yet common problem by installing a high quality gutter guard system that covers the whole guttering system stopping possums from entering around the guttering system.
*If possums have already made residence within your roof they will need to be removed first by a possum removal expert.